Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Pink Day~

Baskin Robbins

It's Wednesday! It's My Birthday! It's Pink Day~!

Show up any pink stuff to the Baskin Robbins Staff to get your DOUBLE Jr.Scoop for a price of one single Scoop!

I showed her my pink t-shirt but then she said :"thats not pink!!" *its actually dark pink*
then i quickly take out my pink purse! whee~~

my sis borrowed my pink handphone. :b
and my cousins wore pink t-shirts~

Thank you Sis for the ice creams! :)
Thank you Aunt for the ice cream cake!
Thank you All for the birthday celebrations!
Thank you Mama for the ang pow!
Thank you Papa for pizza hut!
Thank you Everybody for the birthday wishes!

I appreciate them lots!

1 comment:

Jing said...

haha XD
nice ones